Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Almost there...

Another dive day down and it was my last in the temperate waters of the Med.  Today I played a panicked diver with the divemaster trainees on their Rescue diver course.

It was very tiring playing a panicked diver time and time again but quite enjoyable trying to drown them as they learnt ways to try and save me and keeping themselves safe!  They did well and will make great DM's. 

Back into the shop tomorrow but only to hand back the phone and keys and say my final goodbyes before I start my journey back on Thursday.

It will be so good seeing Amanda as we plan the rest of our lives together, whats next - who knows!

1 comment:

  1. Safe journey to you and then for both of you to UK. Enjoy your time in France - just one step and its back to reality!!xx


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