Thursday, 23 April 2009

Dave the DM

Hey hey everyone I finally can now call myself a Divemaster!  Completed the last of the required skills today and now I am beginning the IDC (Instructor Development Course) with a great Course Director Kev who is ably assisted by Simon who has also gained a new qualification and is now known as an IDC Staff Instructor.  ooh err misses.

This is where the hard work starts!  Loads of revision and study now needs to happen to help me get through.  I am going to apologise now but if I leave a post a bit infrequently over the next couple of weeks it is not through me losing interest.  Please be patient but I am going to be a bit stressy.  I promise I will get you all up to speed properly at the where is that beer!


  1. Well done Dave xx

  2. We are so proud of you! All that work paid off.... now for a little more effort and hey presto!!!! Good luck!!


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